Love Notes

By hiding love notes, I encourage collectors to play, to connect with that child within themselves. By focusing on the hunt up close to the work, who you are to the rest of the world can fall away for a few moments. You. Are. Here. Now. Period.

Some search alone and in silence. Others search with support of others. Some eagerly await their success, while others fear failure. How do you feel when seeking? When the love note reveals itself- joy, celebration, congratulations follow, and perhaps an offering of support to someone still on the hunt. I love witnessing this positive shift in reality. It's good, clean fun, available to everyone.

A third piece of twisting reality can come in waves, later as you walk by the work. You may be a million miles away in your mind, lost in the past or the future, but that love note triggers in your mind and just thinking it, may cause you to shift into the present and perhaps to a more positive frame of mind.

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I am happy to hide a love note that is special to you!

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